Recently, Victoria's Secret launched a line of casual wear printed with logos from various universities across America. One of the schools is Boston College, known for its Catholic roots and rigorous Jesuit curriculum.
I don't know about you, but anything that puts "Victoria's Secret" in the same sentence as "Catholicism" seems like trouble. Unsurprisingly, the clothing line is now a controversy at the school.
Head of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, BC graduate C.J. Doyle, told the Boston Herald, "This is just one more example of the university's callous contempt for Catholic sensibilities and its complete indifference to what remains of its Catholic identity."
Contempt? That seems a little harsh.
An article from TheBostonChannel.com describes the clothing as "skimpy boxer shorts and tank tops".
BC spokesman Jack Dunn said the school was "very selective" in deciding to work with Victoria's Secret, but he did not know the line would include short-shorts.
After reading these statements, I had to look at the Victoria's Secret website to see these seemingly scandalous clothes for myself. Check them out here.
Ok, so where are these "skimpy" shirts and shorts? All I see are sweat pants, sweat shirts and t-shirts that provide ample coverage. I would actually say the line is rather conservative. I hope these people aren't confusing the underwear for boxer shorts or short-shorts. I don't know what else they would be referring to. It's obviously underwear.
Now I wouldn't exactly go to mass wearing Victoria's Secret. Yes, Victoria's Secret sells some extremely skankalicious lingerie and things that are for boyfriends' eyes only, but their collegiate line is completely separate from that. Stop complaining, BC. It's free publicity.
I say everyone head down to the VS on Newbury Street and buy some sweats. They're actually really cute. I wish they had a line for UConn.